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My name is Sangeetha Rayapati,

and I believe in the promise of Moline.

I’m running for Mayor because we need to reset leadership to revitalize Moline.

It's time for Moline to press the 'reset' button on city leadership and revitalize our community.  We need proven, trusted leadership that brings new perspectives and varied work and life experiences to the decision-making table.  We need a leader willing to serve, not rule, and a leader focused on collaboration not my-way-or-the-highway strategies to find efficient and effective solutions for the issues we face. I am that leader.


We can be committed to fiscal responsibility and meet residents needs at the same time.  We can work to attract new entrepreneurs while strengthening relationships with our valued existing businesses.  We must change the way we've been doing business in order to preserve our past and ensure our future. Please join me in helping to fulfill Moline's promise.

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